Thursday, February 07, 2008

Rif Nedarim 15b {47a; 48a}


{Nedarim 47a}

קונם לביתך כו':
בעי אבימי קונם לבית זה שאתה נכנס מת או מכרו לאחר מהו אדם אוסר דבר שברשותו לכשיצא מרשותו או לא
ת"ש האומר לבנו קונם שאתה נהנה לי מת יירשנו בחייו ובמותו מת לא יירשנו.
ש"מ אדם אוסר דבר שברשותו לכשיצא מרשותו ש"מ:
Avimi inquired: {What if one says to his neighbour,} 'Konam, if you enter this house,' and then he sells it or dies: Can one prohibit that which he owns {for the prohibition} to be effective even when it leaves his ownership, or not?

Come and hear: One who said to him son, "konam that you benefit from me." If he dies, he inherits him. But if he specified in his life and in his death, then if he dies, he does not inherit him.

We derive from this that a man may forbid {upon another} something which is in his domain for when it leaves his domain. We so deduce from this.

{Nedarim 48a}
ואין לו מה יאכל כו'.
אמר רבא לא תימא טעמא דאמר ואינן לפניך אבל אמר לו הן לפניך ויבא אבא ויאכל שרי אלא אפילו אמר הן לפניך נמי אסור מ"ט סעודתו מוכחת עליו
"And he has nothing to eat...":
Rava said: Do not say that the reason is that he said, "and they are not before you," but if he said to him, "they are before you, and father will come and eat," it is permitted. Rather, even if he said "they are before you," they would also be forbidden.
What is the reason? Because the banquet proves his intention.

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