Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Rif Kiddushin 20a {48b; 49b}


{Kiddushin 48b}

ת"ר התקדשי לי בכוס זה
תנא חדא בו ובמה שבתוכו
ותנא חדא בו ולא במה שבתוכו
ותני חדא במה שבתוכו ולא בו
ול"ק הא בחמרא והא במיא והא בציהרא
(* The Sages learnt {in a brayta}: Become betrothed to me with this cup:
One brayta taught: {He means} With it and with its contents.
And another brayta taught: With it and not with its contents.
And another brayta taught: With its contents but not with it.

And it is no contradiction. Here is with wine, here is with water, and here is with oil.

התקדשי לי בכוס זה של יין ונמצא של דבש
של דבש ונמצא של יין
בדינר של כסף ונמצא של זהב
של זהב ונמצא של כסף
על מנת שאני עשיר ונמצא עני
עני ונמצא עשיר אינה מקודשת
ר"ש אומר אם הטעה לשבח ה"ז מקודשת:
"Become betrothed to me with this cup of wine," and it is found to be of honey; "of honey," and it is found to be of wine; "with a silver dinar" and it is found to be of gold; "of gold" and it found to be of silver; "on condition that I am a rich man" and he is found to be a pauper; "a pauper" and he is found to be a rich man -- she is not betrothed.
Rabbi Shimon says: If he tricked her towards a better position, behold she is betrothed.

{Kiddushin 49b}

ע"מ שאני כהן ונמצא לוי
לוי ונמצא כהן
נתין ונמצא ממזר
ממזר ונמצא נתין
בן עיר ונמצא בן כרך
בן כרך ונמצא בן עיר
ע"מ שביתי קרוב למרחץ ונמצא רחוק
רחוק ונמצא קרוב
על מנת שיש לי בת ושפחה מגדלת ואין לו
על מנת שאין לו ויש לו
ע"מ שאין לו בנים ויש לו
או על מנת שיש לו ואין לו
ועל כולן אע"פ שאמרה בלבי היתה להתקדש לו אעפ"כ
אינה מקודשת וכן היא שהטעתו:

"On condition that I am a kohen" and he is found to be a Levi; "a Levi" and he is found to be a kohen; "a netin {descendant of Giveonite converts}" and is found to be a bastard; "a bastard" and is found to be a netin; "the resident of a town" and is found to be a resident of a city; "the resident of a city" and is found to be the resident of a town; "on condition that my house is close to the bathhouse" and it is found to be distant; "distant" and it is found to be close; "on condition that I have a daughter and a grown maidservant" and he does not have; on condition that he does not have but he does have; on condition that he does not have children but he does have, or on condition that he does have but he does not have -- and on all of them, even if she says "in my heart there was to become betrothed to him even so, she is not betrothed. And so too if she misleads him.

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