Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rif Bava Batra 3b {6a - b}


See the Rif inside here.

דנעשה כאומר לא לויתי וכל האומר לא לויתי כאומר לא פרעתי דמי): ק
for he is made as if he said "I did not borrow." And anyone who says "I did not borrow" is as if he said "I did not pay."

{Bava Batra 6a}

סמך לו כותל אחר:ש
אמר רב הונא סמך לפלגא סמך לכולה
ורב נחמן אמר למאי דסמך סמך ולמאי דלא סמך לא סמך
והלכתא כרב נחמן
ומודה רב נחמן באפריזא וקיבעתא דכשורי
אמר רב נחמן בי [קורי] לא הוי חזקה ואף על גב דמנח הימלטא דאמר אמינא לכי מיפייסת לי לא תתרע אשיתאי
אמר רב נחמן אחזיק להורדי (לא) אחזיק לכשורי לכשורי אחזיק להורדי
Rav Huna said: If the second wall matches half {the first wall}, it is the same as if it matched the whole.
And Rav Nachman said: where it matches it matches, and where it does not match it does not match.
And the halacha is like Rav Nachman. And Rav Nachman admits by a sustaining beam or fittings for fixing planks.

Rav Nachman {our gemara:Huna} said: Cavities for beams, this does not create a presumption that {the one who built it was assisted by the other}, even if he made the wooden lining in the cavities; for he can plead {when claiming part payment for it from the other}: The reason why I put them in was to prevent my wall becoming damaged, should you persuade me {to let you put cross beams in}.

Rav Nachman said: If a man has acquired a prescriptive right to rest small beams {upon his neighbor's wall}, that does not give him the right to {rest} large beams upon it; but if he has acquired the right to {rest} large beams, that does give him the right to {rest} small beams.

ק(ורב יוסף אמר אפילו אחזיק להורדי אחזיק לכשורי
איכא דאמרי אמר רב נחמן אפי' אחזיק לכשורי לא אחזיק להורדי) ש
(* And Rav Yosef said: Even if he has acquired the right to {rest} small beams, he also has the right to {rest} large beams.
Some {versions} say: Rav Nachman said: Even if he has acquired the right to large beams, he has not acquired the right to small beams.

ואמר רב נחמן אחזיק לניטפי אחזיק לשיפכי לשיפכי לא אחזיק לניטפי (וא"ד אמר ר"נ אפילו אחזיק לשיפכי אחזיק לניטפי) [אבל] לצריפא דאורבני לא
ורב יוסף אמר אפי' צריפא דאורבני
עבד רב יוסף עובדא בצריפא דאורבני [כשמעתיה] והלכתא כוותיה
And Rav Nachman said: If a man has a prescriptive right to let water drip {from his roof into his neighbor's courtyard}, he also has the right to {carry it off there by means of} a gutter-pipe; but if he has acquired the prescriptive right to {carry it off by means of} a gutter-pipe, he has not also the right to let it drip {from the roof}.
(* And some say: Rav Nachman said: Even if he acquired the prescriptive right to a gutter-pipe, he has acquired the prescriptive right to let it drip. *)
And Rav Yosef said: Even {to let it drip from} a cone-shaped roof of reeds {such that the constant dripping would be a nuisance}.
And Rav Yosef acted {, ruling} in an instance, by a cone-shaped roof of reeds.
And the halacha is like him.

אר"נ אמר רבה בר אבוה המשכיר בית לחבירו בבירה גדולה משתמש בזיזיה ובכותליה עד ד' אמות ובעובי הכותל במקום שנהגו אבל בתרבץ אפדני לא
ורב נחמן דידיה אמר אפי' בתרבץ אפדני אבל רחבה שאחורי בתים לא
רבה אמר אפי' רחבה שאחורי בתים
ואמר רבינא האי כשורא דמטללתא עד תלתין
Rav Nachman cited Rabba bar Avuah: If a man lets an apartment to another {Bava Batra 6b} in a large residence, he may make use of the projecting beams and the {cavities in the} walls until four cubits, and also the thickness of the wall, if this is the local custom, but not {the part of the wall facing} the front garden.
And Rav Nachman, stating his own position, said: even the side facing the front garden, but not the yard at the back of the house.
Rabba {our gemara: Rava} said: even the yard at the back.
And Ravina said: {If a man is allowed by his neighbour to support} the beam of his hut {on his wall} for thirty days

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