Monday, May 21, 2007

Rif Yevamot 4a {Yevamot 20a; 21a}


דאי אשמעינן יש זיקה הוה אמינא ה"מ בחד אבל בתרי אין זיקה קמ"ל הלכה כר' יהודה בן בתירא ואי אשמעי' הלכה כר' יהודה בן בתירא הוה אמינא ה"מ מחיים אבל אחר מיתה פקעה לה זיקה קמ"ל דזיקה בכדי לא פקעה וכן הלכתא:
for if we convey that there is zika {this bond before yibbum}, I would have believed that these words are by one {brother}, but with two, there is no bond. Therefore it informs us that the halacha is like Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira.
And if we had conveyed that the halacha is like Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira, I would have believed that these words are while he is alive, but after death, the bond dissipates. Therefore it informs us that this bond has not dissipated.
And so is the halacha.

{Yevamot 20a}
כלל אמרו ביבמה כל שאיסורה איסור ערוה לא חולצת ולא מתייבמת איסור מצוה ואיסור קדושה חולצת ולא מתייבמת
אחותה שהיא יבמתה או חולצת או מתייבמת
איסור מצוה שניות מדברי סופרים
איסור קדושה אלמנה לכהן גדול גרושה וחלוצה לכהן הדיוט ממזרת ונתינה לישראל בת ישראל לנתין ולממזר
A general rule they stated by a yevama -- anyone whose prohibition of ervah {forbidden relatives} does not undergo either chalitza or yibbum. A prohibition of precept {a rabbinic secondary level of prohibited relatives} and a prohibition of holiness {such as a kohen not being able to marry a divorcee} undergoes chalitza and not yibbum.
When her sister is her sister-in-law {where two sisters married two brothers and one brother died} she may either undergo chalitza or yibbum.
A prohibition of precept - these are secondary prohibited relatives, from the words of the scribes.
A prohibition of holiness - a widow to a kohen gadol, a divorcee or one who previously underwent chalitza to a normal kohen, a female bastard or a netina {female descendant of the Giveonim} to an Israelite, and a female Israelite to a Natin {male descendant of the Giveonim} or to a bastard.

אחותה שהיא יבמתה או חולצת או מתיבמת.
אחותה דמאן?
אילימא אחותה דאיסור מצוה כיון דמדאורייתא רמיא קמיה קא פגע באחות זקוקתו
אלא אחותה דאיסור ערוה כגון שלשה אחים שנים מהן נשואים שתי אחיות ומתו הנשואין את האחיות והיתה אחת מהן אסורה עליו איסור ערוה אסור בה ומותר באחותה רצה חולץ רצה מיבם וזו היא שאמרו אחותה שהיא יבמתה או חולצת או מתיבמת:
"Her sister who is her sister-in-law, she may either undergo chalitza or yibbum":
The sister of whom?
If you say the sister of one forbidden by precept, since Biblically it applies {the requirement of yibbum or chalitza}, he {by marrying her sister} infringes upon the wife of the woman bound {to be joined to him in levirate marriage, even though she is forbidden by Rabbinic precept}!
Rather, the sister of one who is forbidden as a forbidden {Biblical} relative -- such as three brothers, two of whom are married to two sisters, and the married {borthers} die leaving the sisters, and one of them {the sisters} is forbidden to him as a forbidden {Biblical} relative, he is forbidden to her and permitted to her sister, and so if he wishes he may perform chalitza {on this sister} or if her wishes he may perform chalitza, and this is what they said {in the Mishna} -- her sister who is her sister-in-law, she may either undergo chalitza or yibbum.

איסור מצוה שניות מדברי סופרים
ואמאי קרו לה איסור מצוה
אמר אביי מצוה לשמוע דברי חכמים:
"Prohibited by precept are secondary {relatives} from the words of the scribes." And who do we call it a prohibition by precept? Abaye said: It is a precept to listen to the words of the Sages.

איסור קדושה אלמנה לכהן גדול.
ואמאי קרו לה איסור קדושה
דכתיב קדושים יהיו לאלהיהם:
"Prohibited by holiness - such as a widow to a kohen gadol":
And why do we call it a prohibition by holiness? For it is written {Vayikra 21:6}:
ו קְדֹשִׁים יִהְיוּ, לֵאלֹהֵיהֶם, וְלֹא יְחַלְּלוּ, שֵׁם אֱלֹהֵיהֶם: כִּי אֶת-אִשֵּׁי יְהוָה לֶחֶם אֱלֹהֵיהֶם, הֵם מַקְרִיבִם--וְהָיוּ קֹדֶשׁ. 6 They shall be holy unto their God, and not profane the name of their God; for the offerings of the LORD made by fire, the bread of their God, they do offer; therefore they shall be holy.

אלמנה לכהן גדול וכו':
לא שנא מן האירוסין ולא שנא מן הנשואין
ת"ר מה הן שניות אם אמו ואם אביו ואשת אבי אביו ואשת אבי אמו ואשת אחי האב מן האם
ואשת אחי האם מן האב או מן האם וכלת בנו וכלת בתו ומותר אדם באשת חמיו ובאשת חורגו ואסור בבת חורגו וחורגו מותר באשתו ובבתו ואשת חורגו אומרת אני מותרת לך ובתי אסורה לך:
"A widow to a kohen gadol...":
It does not matter if {a widow} from betrothal or from marriage.

{Yevamot 21a}
The Sages learnt {in a brayta}: What are the secondary forbidden relations? His mother's mother, his father's mother, his father's father's wife, his mother's father's wife, the wife of his father's maternal brother, the wife of his mother's paternal or maternal brother, his son's daughter-in-law, and his daughter's daughter-in-law. And a man is permitted to the wife of his father-in-law and the wife of his step-son, but is forbidden in the daughter of his step-son, and his step-son is forbidden in his wife and his daughter. And the wife of his step-son may say to him: I am permitted to you but by daughter is forbidden to you.

בת חורגו דאורייתא היא דכתיב את בת בנה ואת בת בתה
אלא משום דקא בעי למיתני סיפא אשת חורגו אומרת אני מותרת לך ובתי אסורה לך דאף על גב דבתי אסורה לך מדאורייתא בדידי לא גזרו רבנן
תנא רישא נמי בת חורגו

אי הכי אשת חמיו נמי תימא אני מותרת לך ובתי אסורה לך
הא פסיקא ליה והא לא פסיקא ליה דזמנין
דמתה אשתו ומותר באחותה
The daughter of his step-son is Biblical{ly forbidden}! For it is written {Vayikra 18:17}:
יז עֶרְוַת אִשָּׁה וּבִתָּהּ, לֹא תְגַלֵּה: אֶת-בַּת-בְּנָהּ וְאֶת-בַּת-בִּתָּהּ, לֹא תִקַּח לְגַלּוֹת עֶרְוָתָהּ--שַׁאֲרָה הֵנָּה, זִמָּה הִוא. 17 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter; thou shalt not take her son's daughter, or her daughter's daughter, to uncover her nakedness: they are near kinswomen; it is lewdness.
Rather, because he {the Tanna of the brayta} wished to teach at the end that the wife of his step-son may say, "I am permitted to you and my daughter is forbidden to you," that even though my daughter is forbidden to you Biblically, upon me the Sages did not decree, he taught in the beginning of the brayta as well "the daughter of his step-son."
If so, the wife of his father-in-law he should also say {in the seifa} "I am permitted to you and my daughter is forbidden to you?"
This one is definite {permanent to him} to him and this one is not definite to him {since the daughter of the wife of his father-in-law is permitted after the death of his wife, who is her sister}.
For there are times that his wife dies and he is permitted to her sister.

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