Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rif Gittin 2a {Gittin 5b-8b}


{Gittin 5b}

בפני כמה נותנו לה השליח
רבי יוחנן אמר בפני שנים
ר' חנינא אמר בפני שלשה
דכ"ע בעינן תלתא לקיימו והכא בהא קמפלגי
ר' יוחנן סבר שליח נעשה עד ועד נעשה דיין
ורבי חנינא סבר אע"ג דבדרבנן עד נעשה דיין הכא חיישינן דילמא מייתא היא גיטא וסמכי עלה
ורבי יוחנן סבר לא חיישינן להכי דמידע ידעי ולא סמכי עילוה
In front of how many does the agent give it to her?
Rabbi Yochanan said: Before two.
Rabbi Chanina said: Before three.

{In truth} all agree that we need three to establish it, and the dispute here is as follows: Rabbi Yochanan maintains that an agent can become a witness, and a witness can become a judge. And Rabbi Chanina maintains that even though in matters pertaining to rabbinic law, a witness can become a judge, here we worry lest she bring this get and we rely upon her. And Rabbi Yochanan maintains that we do not worry about this, for it is well known that we do not rely upon her.

והלכתא כר' יוחנן דתניא כוותיה
And the halacha is like Rabbi Yochanan, for there is a brayta in accordance with him. {Namely:}

המביא גט ממדינת הים נתנו לה ולא אמר לה בפני נכתב ובפני נחתם יוציא והולד ממזר ד"ר מאיר
וחכ"א אין הולד ממזר כיצד יעשה יטלנו ממנה ויחזור ויתנו לה בפני שנים ויאמר לה בפני נכתב ובפני נחתם:
If one brings a get from an overseas country, and gave it to her without saying "before me it was written and before me it was signed," he {=the second husband} must divorce and the child is a bastard. These are the words of Rabbi Meir.
And the Sages say: The child is not a bastard. How should he conduct himself? He {=the agent} should take it from her and once again give it to her, before two witnesses, and say "before me it was written and before me it was signed."

{Gittin 6a}
רבי חנין משתעי רב כהנא אייתי גיטא ולא ידענא אי מסורא לנהרדעא אי מנהרדעא לסורא
אתא לקמיה דרב
אמר ליה צריכנא למימר בפני נכתב ובפני נחתם
אמר ליה לא צריכת ואי עבדת אהנית דאי אתי בעל ומערער לא משגחינן ביה:
Rabbi Chanin related: Rav Kahana brought a get, and I am not sure if it was from Sura to Nehardea or from Nehardea to Sura. He came before Rav. He said to him {=Rav}: Do I need to say "before me it was written and before me it was signed?" He {=Rav} said to him: You do not need to, {Gittin 6b} but if you did it, it is all the better, for if the ex-husband comes and complains, we would not pay heed to him.

{Gittin 8b}
ת"ר עבד שהביא גטו וכתוב בו עצמך ונכסי קנויין לך עצמו קנה נכסים לא קנה
The Sages learnt {in a brayta}: If a slave brings his get {deed of manumission} and written upon it is "you and my assets are transferred {acquired} over to you," he himself is acquired {such that he is free} but the assets are not acquired.

עצמו קנה מידי דהוה אגט אשה
דתנן האשה עצמה מביאה גיטה וכו'
נכסים לא קנה דצריך לקיומיה כשאר שטרות דעלמא
He himself is acquired, just as is so by a woman's get. For they learnt {in a Mishna}: The woman herself may bring her get.
The assets are not acquired, for he needs to establish it like all deeds in general.

איבעיא להו כל נכסי קנויין לך מהו
כגון שלא היה כתוב בו עצמך ונכסי קנויין לך אלא כך כתוב נכסי קנויין לך מהו
אמר אביי מתוך שלא קנה נכסים לא קנה עצמו ולא פלגינן דיבורא
ורבא אמר אחד זה ואחד זה עצמו קנה נכסים לא קנה ופלגינן דיבורא
It was a question to them {Amoraim}:
{If the document states} "All my assets are transferred to you," {and the servant is, after all, an asset} what is the law?
{Rif elaborates}: The case is such that there is not written on it "yourself and my assets are transferred to you," but rather what is written is "may assets are transferred to you." What is the law?

Abaye said: Since he did not acquire the assets, he did not acquire himself, and we do not divide the {single} statement.
And Rava said: Both this and that {the case of the brayta and this case}, he acquires himself but he does not acquire the assets, and we divide the statement.

אמר ליה רב אדא בר מתנה לרבא כמאן כרבי שמעון דאמר פלגינן דיבורא
דתנן הכותב נכסיו לעבדו יצא בן
Rav Ada bar Matna said to Rava: In accordance with whom? Like Rabbi Shimon who said that we divide the statement. For they learnt {in a Mishna}: If one wrote his assets to his servant, he {=the servant}, he goes out free.

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