Saturday, May 05, 2007

Rif Yevamot 1a {Yevamot 2a - 2b; 3b}

Yevamot 1a

{Yevamot 2a}

חמש עשרה נשים פוטרות צרותיהן וצרות צרותיהן מן החליצה ומן היבום עד סוף העולם
בתו ובת בתו ובת בנו
בת אשתו ובת בתה ובת בנה
חמותו ואם חמותו ואם חמיו
אחותו [מאמו] ואחות אמו ואחות אשתו ואשת אחיו מאמו ואשת אחיו שלא היה בעולמו וכלתו
הרי אלו פוטרות צרותיהן וצרות צרותיהן מן החליצה ומן היבום עד סוף העולם
וכולן אם מתו או נתגרשו או מיאנו או שנמצאו אילוניות צרותיהן מותרות
ואי אתה יכול לומר בחמותו ובאם חמותו ובאם חמיו שנמצאו אילוניות או שמיאנו שכבר ילדו
Fifteen women exempt their rivals {=co-wives} and the rivals of their rivals {co-wives of a rival through a second marriage} from chalitza {a ceremony by which the brother of the deceased man excuses himself from performing levirate marriage on the widow, which permits her to marry someone other than a brother of the deceased} and from yibbum {levirate marriage} until the end of the world {that is, the rival of a rival of a rival, that is "the rival (of a rival)+" using the Kleene plus operator} --
{Now we list these women, who are related in the following way to the brother} --
His daughter, the daughter of his daughter, the daughter of his son;
{Parallel from his wife's side:}
His wife's daughter, his wife's daughter's daughter, his wife's son's daughter;
{Obviously his mother is not an option since she would not have been married to his brother, but we can take just his wife's side, and move generations up rather than down --}
His wife's mother, his wife's mother's mother, his wife's father's mother;
{Now than we've moved up and down the tree, we expand sideways, to the sister relation --}
His sister [from his mother] {who is thus not the direct sister of his deceased brother, which explains their marriage}, his mother's sister, his wife's sister;
{Yevamot 2b}
{Finally, various relations defined by the widow's previous marriage --}
The wife of his brother from his mother's side {in a previous marriage}, the wife of his brother who was not in his world {that is, that brother died before he was born, and another brother had performed yibbum on her}, and his daughter-in-law {where his son has subsequently died, and the widow married his brother}.
All of these exempt their rivals, and the rivals of their rivals, from chalitza and yibbum until the end of the world.
And all of them, if they {the forbidden relation to him who was the widow of his brother} if they died {all these before the death of his brother} or divorced or refused {a method of divorce initiated by the woman if she was married to the man when she was a minor, given over by her brother and mother since her father had died}, or was found to be innately barren, their rivals are permitted {and thus yibbum or chalitza must be done}.
And you are not able to say regarding his mother-in-law, the mother of his mother-in-law, or the mother of his father-in-law "or was found to be innately barren, or that they refused" for they have obviously already given birth.

{Yevamot 3b}
מנא ה"מ
דתנו רבנן ואשה אל אחותה לא תקח לצרור לגלות ערותה עליה בחייה
מה ת"ל לפי שנאמר יבמה יבא עליה שומע אני אפילו על אחת מכל העריות האמורות בתורה הכתוב מדבר
נאמר כאן עליה ונאמר להלן יבמה יבא עליה
מה להלן במקום מצוה אף כאן במקום מצוה
ואמר רחמנא לא תקח
From where do we know these words? For the Sages learnt {in a brayta}: {Vayikra 18:18}:
יח וְאִשָּׁה אֶל-אֲחֹתָהּ, לֹא תִקָּח: לִצְרֹר, לְגַלּוֹת עֶרְוָתָהּ עָלֶיהָ--בְּחַיֶּיהָ. 18 And thou shalt not take a woman to her sister, to be a rival to her, to uncover her nakedness, beside the other in her lifetime.
What is is coming to teach? Since it states {Devarim 25:5}:
ה כִּי-יֵשְׁבוּ אַחִים יַחְדָּו, וּמֵת אַחַד מֵהֶם וּבֵן אֵין-לוֹ--לֹא-תִהְיֶה אֵשֶׁת-הַמֵּת הַחוּצָה, לְאִישׁ זָר: יְבָמָהּ יָבֹא עָלֶיהָ, וּלְקָחָהּ לוֹ לְאִשָּׁה וְיִבְּמָהּ. 5 If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no child, the wife of the dead shall not be married abroad unto one not of his kin; her husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of a husband's brother unto her.
I would have deduced that even one of the forbidden relations stated in the Torah the verse is discussing. Therefore, it is stated here עליה {in Vayikra, prohibiting this relation}, and it is stated over there יְבָמָהּ יָבֹא עָלֶיהָ - "her husband's brother shall go in unto her." Just as over there {by levirate marriage} it speaks of a case of precept {performing levirate marriage}, so too here it is in case of precept {and the prohibition still stands, for} and the All-Merciful said "thou shalt not take."

אין לי אלא היא צרתה מנין תלמוד לומר לצרור
אין לי אלא צרתה צרת צרתה מנין ת"ל לצרור ולא לצרר
I only have her {as a derivation of prohibition}. Here rival from where? Therefore it teaches לִצְרֹר - "to be a rival to her." I only have her rival. The rival of her rival, from where? Therefore it teaches לצרור - and not לצרר {without the vav -- teaching me about many rivals}.

{Note that our pasuk does not actually have a vav. Perhaps the derasha is from the kerei rather than ketiv. Still, it seems a bit odd, and not what I would have expected.}

ואין לי אלא אחות אשה שאר עריות מנין
אמרת מה אחות אשה מיוחדת שהיא ערוה וחייבין על זדונה כרת ועל שגגתה חטאת ואסורה ליבם אף כל שהיא ערוה וחייבין על זדונה כרת ועל שגגתה חטאת אסורה ליבם
ואין לי אלא הן צרותיהן מנין אמרת מה אחות אשה מיוחדת שהיא ערוה וחייבין על זדונה כרת ועל שגגתה חטאת ואסורה ליבם צרתה אסורה אף כל שהיא ערוה וחייבין על זדונה כרת ועל שגגתה חטאת ואסורה ליבם צרתה אסורה
מכאן אמרו חמש עשרה נשים פוטרות צרותיהן וצרות צרותיהן מן החליצה ומן הייבום עד סוף העולם
And I only have {as a derivation} the sister of a wife. The remaining forbidden relations, from where? You have said, what about a wife's sister, the is unique in that she is a forbidden relation for whom one is liable on deliberate violation karet {cutting off - a death penalty imposed by heaven} and on its accidental violation a sin-offering, she is forbidden to the yavam {brother of deceased husband}, in such an instance her rival is also forbidden, so too anyone who is a forbidden relation, for whom one is liable on deliberate violation karet and on its accidental violation a sin-offering is forbidden to theyavam.
And I only have them. Their rivals, from where? You have said: Just as the wife of a sister is unique in that she is a forbidden relation, and one is liable on deliberate violation karet and on accidental violation a sin-offering and she is forbidden to the yavam, in such a case her rival is forbidden, so too anyone who is a forbidden relation and for whom one is liable on a deliberate violation karet and on accidental violation a sin-offering and she is forbidden to the yavam, her rival is also forbidden.
From here they said: Fifteen women exempt their rivals and the rivals of their rivals from chalitza and yibbum until the end of the world {in terms of rivals}.

יכול שאני מרבה את שש עריות חמורות
Perhaps I include the six stricter forbidden relations

{see the Mishna on Yevamot 13a, which states
שש עריות חמורות מאלו מפני שנשואות לאחרים צרותיהן מותרו' אמו ואשת אביו ואחות אביו אחותו מאביו ואשת אחי אביו ואשת אחיו מאביו בית שמאי מתירין הצרות לאחים ובית הלל אוסרים
That there are six forbidden relations who are stricter than these [fifteen in the first Mishna] because they may only marry others, but their rivals are permitted [and we do not say, as above, that their rivals and rival's rivals are also exempted] -- his mother, his father's wife, his father's sister, his sister on his father's side, the wife of his father's brother, the wife of his brother on his father's side. Bet Shammai permit the rivals to the brothers and Bet Hillel forbid them.

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