{Pesachim 7b continues}
at the start and then search.
For Rav Yehuda cited Shmuel: All the commandments, one blesses upon them before performing them.
Rav Chisda said {clarifying the statement of the school of Rav}: With the sole exception of immersion.
What is the reason? For {before immersion} he is not yet fit.
A brayta also says so: He immerses, and when he ascends from his immersion, he says: Baruch ata Hashem Elokeinu melech haOlam asher kiddeshanu beMitzvotav veTzivanu al haTevila.
And the Sages explain this as referring solely to the immersion of a convert, but the other immersions, they bless and afterwards immerse.
For we have established: A Niddah may separate challah and she is required to bless lihafrish challah {and thus a Niddah may bless in that state}.
And we learn {tnan} also: a zav who experiences a nocturnal emission and a Niddah who expels sperm {resulting from previous intercourse} require immersion.
The reason {they require immersion} is because he experienced a nocturnal emission and she expelled sperm. This implies that if he did not experience a nocturnal emission {but was just a zav} and she did not expel sperm {but was just a Niddah}, they may read {Shema} and pray and do not require immersion {before doing so}.
They search for chametz by the light of a candle ... because the light of a candle is good for searching.
The Sages learnt {in a brayta}: They do not search by the light of the sun, nor by the light of the moon, nor by the light of a torch, but only by the light of the candle, for the light of the candle is good for searching.
{Pesachim 8a}
And although there is no proof to the matter, there is a hint to the matter. For it is states {Shemot 12:19}
Tzefania 1:12}:
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