Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rif Bava Kamma 10a {22a - 23a}


{Bava Kamma 22a}

כלב שנטל את החררה וכו':
איתמר אשו
רבי יוחנן אמר אשו משום חציו
כלומר כאילו בידו הזיק
ריש לקיש אמר אשו משום ממונו
כלומר כאילו שורו הזיק:
It was stated {by Amoraim}: His fire:
Rabbi Yochanan said: His fire is on account of his arrow.
That is to say, it is as if he damaged with his hand.
Resh Lakish said: His fire is on account of his money.
That is to say, as if his ox damaged.

{Bava Kamma 22b}
אמר רבא קרא ומתניתא מסייע ליה לר' יוחנן
קרא [דכתיב] כי תצא אש ומצאה קוצים
תצא מעצמה שלם ישלם המבעיר את הבערה
ש"מ אשו משום חציו
[מתניתא דתניא] פתח הכתוב בנזקי ממונו וסיים בנזקי גופו לומר לך אשו משום חציו
אי הכי טמון באש [דפטר רחמנא] היכי משכחת לה וכו'
אלא מאן דאית ליה משום חציו אית ליה משום ממונו כגון שהיה לו לגדור ולא גדר
דהתם לענין גלוי שורו הוא דלא טפח ליה באפיה
וכי מאחר דמאן דאית ליה משום חציו אית ליה נמי משום ממונו מאי בינייהו
איכא בינייהו לחייבו בד' דברים
דמאן דאית ליה משום חציו מחייבי' ליה בארבעה דברים
ולמאן דלית ליה משום חציו לא מחייבי' ליה בארבעה דברים:
Rava said: Scripture and a brayta support Rabbi Yochanan. A verse, for it is written {Shemot 22:5}:

ה כִּי-תֵצֵא אֵשׁ וּמָצְאָה קֹצִים, וְנֶאֱכַל גָּדִישׁ, אוֹ הַקָּמָה, אוֹ הַשָּׂדֶה--שַׁלֵּם יְשַׁלֵּם, הַמַּבְעִר אֶת-הַבְּעֵרָה. {ס} 5 If fire break out, and catch in thorns, so that the shocks of corn, or the standing corn, or the field are consumed; he that kindled the fire shall surely make restitution.
teitzei -- of its own accord.
שַׁלֵּם יְשַׁלֵּם הַמַּבְעִר אֶת-הַבְּעֵרָה -- {where there is therefor a mav'ir, a burner} -- we thus deduce that his fire is on account of his arrow.

[A brayta, for they learnt {in a brayta}]: The Scriptures begins with the damages to his property and
{Bava Kamma 23a}
ends with damages to his body, to inform you that his fire is on account of his arrow.

If so, something hidden {damaged} by fire, [which the All-Merciful exempts], how do we find, etc.?

Rather, the one who holds that it is on account of his arrow also holds that is on account of his property, {and} such that he should have fenced and and he did not fence it. For there, in terms of revealed {non-hidden property it is like} it was his ox and he did not close the door before it.

And once {we posit that} the one who holds that it is on account of his arrow also holds it is on account of his property, what is the difference between them? This is the practical difference between them: to hold his liable for the four things {tzaar, ripui, shevet, boshet}. For according to the one who holds that it is on account of his arrow, we obligate him in the four things, and according to the one who does not hold it is on account of his arrow, we do not obligate him in the four things.

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