{Eruvin 52b continues}
It was taught {tana}: Because of those who err in their measures.
And the halacha is like the first Tanna {that even one cubit, he may not reenter}.
Rabbi Chanina said: If his one leg was within the techum and his other leg was outside the techum, he may enter, for it is written {Yeshaya 58:13}:
We have left off mi shehotziuhu.
PEREK FIVE - keitzad meabrin
How does one extend the bounds of the towns?
A house recedes, a house protrudes, a turret recedes, a turret protrudes; if there were there ruins ten handbreadths high,
{Eruvin 53a}
and bridges and tomb- structures which have in them dwelling quarters the measurements are taken against them, and it is made in the shape of a square board, so as to benefit from the corners.
{Eruvin 55a}

The Sages learnt {in a brayta}: How does one extend the bounds of the towns?
Long {=rectangular; see (א)}, as it is.
Circular, we make it corners {and measure techum from the corners; see (ב)}.
Squared {but on an angle from the compass directions, like a diamond, <>, such that one might think to add corners and square it in the compass directions}, we do not make it corners.
If it was wide on one side and narrow on the other side {see (ג)}, we view it as if both sides were equal {and thus add corners; Alternatively, we view the curvature as if it were straight, thus transforming it into a parallelogram.}.
If one house jutted out from it {the city} in the form of a turret, or two houses like two turrets {one one each side - see diagram ד}, we view it as if there were a line extending from each protrusion {thus squaring it} and we measure from there and outwards 2000 cubits {rather than from the city wall}.
If it {the city} was made in the form of a bow {see diagram ה - note that the line on the left side is not physically present. That is, it looks like a C} or like a gamma {A capital gamma, Γ. See diagram ו} we view it as if it {the empty space in the C or the Γ} were filled with houses and courtyards.
Mar {=the brayta} had said: Long {=rectangular, see diagram א}, as it is.
This is obvious! No, I need this. I would have thought that if it is long and narrow, I would imagine its width extended as much as its length {thus making it a square}. Therefore it informs us that it is not so.
"If it is squared {= <>}, we do not make it corners":
But this is obvious! No, I need this, for the case in which it is square but not square in the compass directions - that is, that the north flat face is parallel with the northern compass direction, and its southern flat face is parallel to the southern compass direction {but rather, it looks like diagram ז}. I would have thought to square it to the square formed by the compass directions {thus adding corners, as in diagram ז}. Therefore it informs us that it is not so.
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