{Eruvin 39b continues}
He {Rav Sheshet} said to him {Rabba bar Shmuel}: If you see them {Rav Nachman and Rav Chisda} don't tell them anything.
{Eruvin 40a}
A certain {crop of} turnip came to Mechoza. Rava saw that it was withered. He said: This was certainly uprooted yesterday. What would you say {is problematic}? That it came from outside the techum? That which was brought for one Israelite {would be forbidden for him but} would be permitted for another Israelite, and certainly this, which was brought with a gentile in mind. Rava permitted them to purchase of those {turnips}. Once he saw that they were bringing them in large quantities, he prohibited them.
There were gardeners for whom gentiles {gentiles omitted in our gemara} cut myrtles on {Chavot Yair: the second, Exilic, day of} Yom Tov. When night fell, Ravina permitted them to smell of it immediately. They went and asked Rava. He said to them: we need to wait enough time for them to be made {=cut.}
And so is the halacha.
{Eruvin 39a}
Rabbi Dosa ben Hyrkenos says: He who stands before the pulpit to pray on the {first day of} Yom Tov of Rosh Hashana first day of the new year says: Strengthen us, O Lord our God, on this day of the new moon, whether today or tomorrow {be the true day}. And the next day he says: whether today or yesterday.
And the Sages did not agree to him.
{Eruvin 40a}
Rava said: When we were in the academy of Rav Kahana {our gemara: Huna}, it was a question to them: should one mentioned Rosh Chodesh on Rosh Hanasha {since Rosh Hashana is also a Rosh Chodesh}? Since they are separate in their musaf offerings, do we say {Rosh Chodesh}, or perhaps one mention counts here and there {covering Rosh Hashana and Rosh Chodesh}?
{Eruvin 40b}
And we conclude: What did they say about it? Rav Chisda said: One mention counts both here and there. And so did Rava say: One mention counts both here and there.
And Rava said: When we were in the academy of Rav Kahana, it was a question to us: should one say zeman {=Shehechiyanu} on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur? Since it comes from time to time, we say it, or perhaps it is not called a regel we do not say it? He did not have it {the answer} in his hand. When they came to Rav Yehuda, he said: We say a Shehechiyanu even on a new gourd. They said to him: We have no question whether it is a reshut {= permitted as a voluntary matter}. We have a question whether it is obligatory.
And we conclude that it is the halacha that one says Shehechiyanu on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
And the halacha is that one says Shehechiyanu even in the marketplace, and he requires no cup {over which to say it}.
{Eruvin 41b}
One whom gentiles or an evil spirit {=in a fit of insanity} took out {of the techum}, he has only his four cubits. If they returned him, it is as if he never left.
If they brought him to another city, or into a pen or fold -- Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Eleazar ben Azarya say: He may walk through its entirety (and outside it) {text in parentheses in parethesis in Rif and missing in our gemara}.
Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Akiva say: He only has his four cubits.
And there was an incident in which they {=these four} came from Parendisim and their vessel was still at sea {on Shabbat}. Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Eleazar ben Azarya walked throughout its entirety, and Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Akiva did not move from their four cubits, because they wished to be strict upon themselves.
Rav Nachman cited Shmuel: If he left {the techum} deliberately, then even if gentiles brought him back {against his will} he only has his four cubits {as he would have outside the techum}. And certainly if he left deliberately
It's been a while...
I've been blogging a bit on Substack, at Scribal Error. While focused more
on gemara and girsaot, I just had a post on Rationalism and Midrash. Check
2 years ago
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