Friday, November 11, 2005

Rif Eruvin 10a {Eruvin 38b continues ... 39b}

{Eruvin 38b continues}
he makes two eruvin1... - but we need a meal which is fit while it is yet day, and it is not2!
Do you think that he placed it at the end of 2000 cubits this way and at the end of 2000 cubits that way? No! Rather, that he placed it at the end of 1000 cubits this way and at the end of 1000 cubits that way.

But what of this that Rav Yehuda said that if one makes an eruv with his legs on the first day, he may make an eruv with his legs on the second day, and if he made an eruv with bread on the first day, he may make an eruv with bread on the second day - He is thus preparing from Yom Tov to Shabbat3?!
{The answer:} Do you think he goes somewhere and says anything?! It is where he goes and is silent and gets up. And even though he says nothing, since if he desired to he could have said, he is considered one who said.

And this that we learnt {in the brayta}: A man should not go to his field to see what it needs;
{Eruvin 39a}
Similarly a man should not travel to the end of the country in order to enter the bathhouse immediately {after Shabbat} -- this is no question at all, for there the purpose it obvious, but here, the purpose is not obvious. For if he is a member of the rabbinate, they will say that he is thinking of his learning {and his mind is not on anything else}, and if he is unschooled, they will say his donkey wandered off {and he is going is search of it, permitted on Shabbat within the techum}.

Gufa: {To return to discuss a previously mentioned point}
Rav Yehuda said that if one makes an eruv with his legs on the first day, he may make an eruv with his legs on the second day, and if he made an eruv with bread on the first day, he may make an eruv with bread on the second day. If he made an eruv with bread on the first day, he may make an eruv with his legs on the second day. If he makes an eruv with his legs on the first day, he may not make an eruv with bread on the second day, for we may not make an eruv in the first place {in the midst of Yom Tov/Shabbat} with bread.

If he made an eruv with bread on the first day, he may make an eruv with bread on the second day -- Shmuel said: And with the same bread {but not with another bread}.

Rabbi Yehudah says: "If a person suspected that Rosh Hashanah might be intercalated4, a man may make two eruvs and he says: My eruv for the first to the east and for the second to the west; For the first to the west and for the second to the east; My eruv on the first, and on the second as the people of my city; My eruv on the second, and on the first as the people of my city.
And the Sages did not agree to him.

Who are "the Sages?" Rabbi Yossi, who holds that the two days of Rosh HaShana have a single sanctity {kedusha}. For if witnesses come from Mincha and on, they treat both that day and the next as holy {and thus it is not as a result of doubt}. And so is the halacha.

However, as regards the two days of Yom Tov in the Exile, Rabbi Yossi admits to the Sages that they have two separate sanctities, as we will need to say later.

And Rabbi Yehudah said further: A man may stipulate regarding a basket on the first day of Yom Tov and he may eat it on the second. And so, too, an egg laid on the first, may be eaten on the second.
But the Sages did not agree with him.

The Sages learnt {in a brayta}: How does one stipulate on a basket of fruit on the first day of Yom Tov and eat it on the second? If there were before him two baskets of tevel {=untithed}, he says, "If today is a weekday and tomorrow is holy, this should be teruma taken off for this {since on a weekday one may take off teruma}, and if today is holy, there is nothing to my words," and he calls upon it a name {of teruma} and sets it aside. And the next day, he says, "If today is a weekday, this should be teruma on that, and if today is holy, there is nothing to my words," and he calls upon it a name {of teruma} and eats it.
And the halacha is like Rabbi Yehuda in terms of the two days of Yom Tov of the Exile, but in terms of the two days of Rosh HaShana, no.

{Eruvin 39b}
A gazelle which came to the house of the Exilarch and which was captured {by gentiles} on the first day of Yom Tov of the Exile and was slaughtered on the second day of Yom Tov, Rav Nachman and Rav Chisda ate of it, for they held that they {=the days} have two separate sanctities, and Rav Sheshet did not eat of it, for he held that they have a single sanctity.

Rav Sheshet chanced upon Rabba bar Shmuel. He said to him: Let Master teach something regarding sanctities. He said to him {in reply}: We learnt {tanina}: Rabbi Yossi admits to the Sages regarding the two days of Yom Tov of the Exile

1: The assumption here is that he stands at location X and puts one eruv 2000 cubits to the east and another 2000 cubits to the west, such that the eruv for the second day is 4000 cubits away from his Shabbat center of the first day.
2: For on the first day, he cannot reach the eruv of the second day to eat it!
3: In terms of the eruv with his legs, for he walks someplace and says, "Here will be my place of Shabbat rest."
4: He fears Bet Din might make Elul meubar {adding a day} and thus Yom Tov will be two days

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