{Eruvin 21a continues}
They say that you travel from Barnish to the synagogue of Daniel, which is a distance of 3 parsa {=more than techum Shabbat}. Upon what do you rely? Upon isolated huts? But your father's father, citing Rav, said that the law of isolated huts does not apply in Bavel! {In response,} He went out and showed him {ruined} settlements that were within the radius of seventy cubits and a fraction from the town {which would extend the city before the techum began}.
{Eruvin 23a}
And Rabbi Yehuda ben Bava further said: In a garden or a wood-shed, which is 70 cubits and a fraction X 70 cubits and a fraction, surrounded by a wall 10 handbreadths high, one may carry therein, provided there is a watchman's hut or a dwelling place, or that it is near to a town.
Rabbi Yehuda says: Even if it contains only a cistern, ditch, or cave, one may carry therein.
Rabbi Akiva says: Even if there is not one of any of the aforementioned, one may carry therein, provided it is only 70 cubits and a fraction X 70 cubits and a fraction.
Rabbi Eliezer says: If its length exceeds its width even a single cubit, we may not carry therein.
Rabbi Yossi says: Even if its length is twice its width, we may carry therein.
{Eruvin 23b}
Rabbi Akiva is identical with the Tanna Kamma {=the Sages on the Mishna, 18b, who made a similar statement with no qualifications}!
This is the difference between them: A small area.
For they learnt {in a brayta}: Rabbi Yehuda says: {A bet satayim} exceeds by a small area 70 cubits and a fraction, but the Sages did not give an exact dimension. And how much is satayim? Like the courtyard of the Mishkan.
"Rabbi Eliezer says {If its length exceeds its width even a single cubit}...":
But we learnt {in a brayta}: If its length is exceeds twice its width by even a single cubit, we may not carry therein.
Rav Bibi bar Abaye said: In our Mishna, learn also more than twice its width.
If so, this is identical with Rabbi Yossi!
This is the distinction between them: in terms of the square area of the Sages.
To explain: It is a reference to this that we learnt {in the Mishna in Eruvin 49b}: {The techum of 2000 cubits is a radius of 2000 cubits from his spot - that is, it is} round - these are the words of Rabbi Chanina ben Antigonus. And the Sages say that it is squared out like a square tablet, such that he profits the corners {which strictly speaking are more than 2000 cubits from where he stands}.
According to Rabbi Eliezer who said that if its length exceeds twice its width by even a single cubit, we may not carry therein, we measure its diagonal, and if its diagonal exceeds twice its width by even a single cubit, we may not carry therein, for he holds like Rabbi Chanina ben Antigonus who says that we need a circular techum Shabbat {defined by the radius - thus, the radius horizontally is matches to the diagonal radius} and not squared. And according to Rabbi Yossi, we measure it in its rectangular dimensions, for he holds like the Sages who say it {the techum} is square. Therefore, if its length is equal twice its width, like the courtyard of the Mishkan, as it states {Shemot 27:18}:
And the reason of Rabbi Chanina ben Antigonus and the reason of the Sages in this dispute is detailed in perek Mi sheHotziuhu Nochrim {in Eruvin 51a} that we learn the 2000 cubits as the techum Shabbat via a gezera shava from this pasuk {Bemidbar 35:5}:
lezeh} you shall give corners {peot - mentioned earlier in the pasuk}, and you do not give corners to those establishing rest on Shabbat {in terms of techum, etc}. And the Sages hold - zeh - like this do shall be for all who establish rest on Shabbat.
{Eruvin 23b}
It was stated {by Amoraim}:
Rav Yosef cited Rav Yehuda who cited Shmuel: The halacha is like Rabbi Yossi.
And Rav Bibi cited Rav Nachman who cited Shmuel: The halacha is like Rabbi Akiva.
And both intend leniency, and both are needed. For if I only let it be heard that the halacha is like Rabbi Yossi, I would have believed that this is only provided there is a watchman's hut or a dwelling place {like Rabbi Yehuda ben Bava}. Therefore he informs us that the halacha is like Rabbi Akiva {that the aforementioned need not be present}.
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